ARC-SCANDINAVIA: Representative for BUL M5, Israel Military Industries IMI, Magnum Research, and Front Line in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland, for Weapon and Accessories, Ammunition, Holsters, Security, Training Shooting Systems, Consulting.
ARC Scandinavia International
Business & Trade

Distributer and representative for a variety of companies.
We supply our products to shops around Scandinavia:
Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland.

For mer informason ring : (+47) 922 166 06
eller sende mail til:

Look at the

The Subjects

Weapon, Ammunition & Accessories

Bul Transmark
Hi-Capacity Hi-Tech 1911
Polymer frame pistol
BUL har samme høye kvalitet som
STI/SVI, men gir deg mer og
er mye billigere på pris.

Bul M5 - IPSC / Felt - single-action
Bul Impact - double-action Polymer
Bul Storm  - double-action metal frame
Bul Frame & conversion kits
Bul Custom Accessories   
Bul M5 IPSC Team 
Bul T-Shirts & Caps
BUL Dealers / Forhandler

The New BUL IPSC **
The New BUL IPSC Pro**
BUL Ultra  
BUL Cherokee  
IPSC Accessories 
Vi har fått nye billigere blå BUL IPSC
Special Offer  
BUL 1911-A1 new weapon
Ekstra billig
Israel Military Iindustries
IMI - always leading
Jericho-Baby eagle 100% Reliable & Accuracy
Desert Eagle "hand hold artillery" - 50 AE, 44M, 357M

IMI T-Shirts & Pins

IMI Dealers / Forhandler

Military Equipment
Uzi the legend -
Pistol & Rifle (military & civilian)
Galil rifle the desert fighter - (
military & IPSC civilian)
Tavor Bulpup rifle
- (military & IPSC civilian)
Negev 5.56 Light Machine Gun - (
military only)

Tavor Sporting - IPSC Bullpup Rifle (
223/5,56 , 9mm)
Magal Sporter - IPSC Rifle (
30 us Carbine, 7,62x51)
Jericho FL - Special Operation (
9mm, 40s&w, 45acp)
Barak Pistol - Ultimate Combat
(9mm, 40s&w, 45acp)

IMI (Samson) Ammunition & Components (Cases & Bullets)
The worldwide well known high quality ammunition.
Ammo. list & Ballistics Table
Magnum Research inc.
Only special weapon.
Desert Eagle -The biggest you can get.
Cal. - 357,44,50,440 Cor-Bon.
In - Chrome, Nickel, Gold, Titanium
Lone Eagle - one shoot rifle ammu. pistol
Cal. - (308,30-06...+more)

BFR Magnum Revolvers
Biggest Finest Revolver -10" Barrel
Cal. -
(45/70,.444 Marlin,50...+more)
Magnum Light Hi-Tech 22 Rifle
with Carbon Fiber barrel
Mountain Eagle Kevlar Hunting Rifle -
with Carbon Fiber barrel
MR Custom Accessories
MR T-Shirts, Caps & pins
MR Dealers / Forhandler
ARC-US -  
Arcus-98 DA pistol
- 9mm
Arcus-98sp - (
2 x 15-rd. Mag, Full Chrome, Adjustable Sight,
Rubber grip with finger grooves
) - **super cheap**
Arcus-94 SA pistol
- 9mm
Arcus-95 Revolver - 38sp, 357m, 9x19 mm, 9x18 Makarov
Used Weapon Special offer for Collectors
used guns in good conditions from different
brands and various calibers
at very attractive prices.
Beretta medel 71 (
second type) cal .22 LR  
CZ Model Vzor 50 / 70 cal. 32 ACP
(7,65 Browning)

Taurus Revolver .22 LR


*Alt er billig*
*Vi selger nå direkte til private kunder*

Full gear for BUL owners:
Belt Holste & Mag Pouches

IPSC new accessories
BUL M5 Mag Base pad +1
BUL M5 / STI - IPSC Open - Mag base pad (+2 rounds)

BUL M5 / Para- Mag follower + Mag Spring (+1 round set)
Mag cleaning Brush (All mags type)
Thumb Rest (for IPSC Open & Standard Pistols)
BUL M5 - Stailess steel Ambi safeties (double safety)
BUL M5 - Mag Well (U type)
BUL M5 - Mag Well All Round (360)
Bul Match Custom -Warp-Speed - Enhance trigger Kit set - to all 1911 type (Hammer, Sear & Disconnector)

CR Speed 
Special I.P.S.C. Holsters
Magazine pouches
New CR Open Muzzle rest

Vi er billigere enn andre konkurerende butikker !

Holsters, Mag-pouch, Belts & bags
Famous for their extremely high standards' and superior quality.
From :Leather, Nylon, Cordura, Composite materials,
Polymer and special Kydex.

Front Line   

Pancake holsters
Belt-Slide holsters
Inside Pants Fast-draw holsters
4 ways holsters
Combat Shooting holsters
I.P.S.C. holsters
Specially Designed holsters 
Police holsters
Ankle holsters
Kydex holsters
Hidden holster bag
Elastic belts concealment holsters
Carry Bags for Pistols & Riflr
Hidden Holster Cases
Shoulder holsters
Belts - for Shooters, Police,
Special combat tactical belts,
Hunters Belt
I.P.S.C. Competition Belts
Magazine Holsters & pouches

Fobus Holsters

Polymer Holsters

Combat Shooting
Hand made leather Holsters
CR Speed 
Special I.P.S.C. Holsters & Aesccessoris
Magazine pouches
New Muzzle rest

Security Accessories
Gas & Smoke Emergency Mask
Small compact (14x18x1,5cm) for one time use.
Bullets & Knife Prove Vest Protection - IMI
Man & Women Vest protection.
Flight jacket ballistic protection.
Winter jacket ballistic protection.
Military & Police Bullets & Knife Prove Vest Protection

Ballistic Body Armor - Bullets & Knife

Night Sight & Night Accessories
Mepro Light
Night Sight - Rifle & Pistol.
Illuminated Night Map Reader
Illuminated Emergency Signs.

Laser Pointer & Accessories  
Laser Pointers
Small hand Laser Pointers (for 200m)
Keys Light

Shoot Gun Day & Night Sight
Hunter Click Sight
(No adjustment or installation tools needed)

Used military
Goggles x1 Night Vision Observation

Hunting camouflage set
Very strong & light camouflage net.   
With two side colors,
2 different pattern in 1 set,
green summer & light autumn.

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