Fish export and marketing from Norway
Tel: (+47) 222 18 526,      Mob: (+47) 922 166 06    E-Mail :

 Norway Time

Kosher certificate - type and cost


The estimated cost for issuing kosher certification to either a factory or packing house
(mostly farmed fish)
will be from $4,000.00 USD per year (when the processing is done in one factory).

The cost for a kosher certification of a wild fish harvest at sea on vessel:
The charged is per shipment and will be budgeted accordingly to the
mission period (number of days) and the assignment type and difficulty.
The mission requires a kashruth supervisor during the entire voyage who will officiate
as the fish are gutted, packed and frozen.


Arc AS - Fish export and marketing from Norway
Tel: (+47) 222 18 526, Mob: (+47) 922 166 06,  E-Mail-