Fish export and marketing from Norway
Tel: (+47) 222 18 526,      Mob: (+47) 922 166 06    E-Mail :

 Norway Time

Type of - smoked, salted, dried, soured, fermented, pickled and marinated

Smoking fish is the oldest method in the world for preserving hunting meat.

The Norwegian smoked fish is famous around the world.
Smoked fish is traditionally processed through two techniques: cold smoked and hot smoked.

Cold smoked:
the smoking process is done at 20 degrees celsius over a long period of time.
The smoke originates in an oven and is transported in long pipes to the smoking box.
The distance the smoke travels cools it and ensures that it will arrive at the right temperature
to prepare the fish.

Only quality fish is selected. The flesh is salted and oiled to prevent it from drying
during the process.The more the fish is salted and the longer time it is smoked,
the longer the shelf life, the stronger the taste, and the tougher and drier the texture..

Delicate smoked regarded as higher quality product, is prepared in a shorter time.
The result is the flesh is pleasant and silky, the shelf life shorter, and the price a bit higher.

The shelf life of chilled smoked fish varies from several weeks to 3 months.

The tendency today is to export frozen smoked fish as well as fresh chilled.
With today’s techniquest, the difference is subtle although there is a slight change
in the texture of the fish.

Smoked fish is distributed as whole side with skin in one piece or skinless,
pre sliced, in different packing, starting from 100 gr. per package.

Juniper Smoked fish is a special delicacy.
The Juniper gives the meat a special aroma. In Scandinavia, the Juniper is known as an
important additive to cuisine, and used to flavour foods and alcoholic beverages, particularly gin.

Hot smoked
The second process for preparing fish is called hot smoking.
Hot smoking requires a shorter processing time than the cooled smoke.
The process begins at 100 degrees Celsius and the smoke has direct contact with the fish.
The flesh is salted, spiced and oiled to prevent it from drying during
the process. Hot smoked fish is sold either coated with spices and pepper or uncoated.
Hot smoked fish is marketed in different sizes.
The shelf life of chilled hot smoked fish is several weeks.

Marinated and pickled fish
The pickling done with the assistance of salt, vinegar, sugar and spices
in different configurations.
The most famous pickled fish is the herring.
The most famous marinated fish is the GravetSalmon
with his special gentle taste.

The old traditional GravetSalmon process was to bury the fish
for a few months in order to ferment the fish
and to give it its subtle flavor.

Stockfish (dried cod) and Clipfish (salted and dried).
Northern Norway has long been famous as the kingdom of the drying fish factories.
Traditionally, the Norse dried Cod, Saithe, horse mackerel, Pollack, Haddock, ling,
and Tusk/Cusk for their own long winters and the enjoyment of people all over the world.
Dried fish is used as flavoring or the main element in cooked food and soup in many parts
of the world. In addition, dried fish is ground to fish flour and used in the process of other foods
in the food industry.

Hotsmoked Mackerel

Pickled Herring

Marinate Salmon / Gravet Laks

The Pyramid - Drying fish plant

Arc AS - Fish export and marketing from Norway
Tel: (+47) 222 18 526, Mob: (+47) 922 166 06,  E-Mail-