Fish export and marketing from Norway
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 Norway Time
Farmed fish

Farmed fish breeding under controlled environment

Farmed fish include: Salmon, Trout Cod and Halibut.

The advantages of farmed fish compared with wild fish are: availability, fast growth, controlled nutrition, fish quality, hygiene (free of potential parasite and pollutants).

Cultivated fish are bred in 3 farm classes:
Farmed sea cultivation – bred in clean and cold fjords under supervision and control.
Environmentally friendly cultivation – ecologic breeding that pays particular attention to environmental effects.
Organic Ecologic cultivation – these fish are bred under strict ecology and organic control, with attentively to the fish comfortableness and health.
Special attention given to the quality of the marine environment, biological coexistence under the water and to the fjord conditionals.

Atlantic Salmon
Latin - Salmo salar
Norsk - Laks
Deutsch - Atlantische Lachs
Français - Saumon de l'Atlantique
Nederlands - Atlantische zalm
Italiano - Salmone dell' atlantico
Español - Salmón del Atlántico
Português - Salmão-do-atlantico

The wild Atlantic salmon is an anadromous fish, which means it migrates into freshwater to spawn, but otherwise lives in the sea. After two to five years in a river,
the salmon fry undergoes a change, known as smoltification, rendering it able to live in saltwater. Once the salmon fry has become a smolt, it leaves the river and
migrates out to sea. After two to four years, the fish is fully matured and starts the migration back to its native river to spawn.
Nowadays, fishing wild salmon is limited for the most part to sports anglers.

Fish farming
Norway has been a pioneering nation in the development of salmon farming, and since the breakthrough with sea-based farming in the 1970s,
it has kept its position as the world’s leading producer of Atlantic salmon.
As a coastal trade and export industry, the salmon industry has been extremely important for Norway. As a result of the tremendous growth in production,
which picked up speed signifi cantly in the 1980s, the salmon industry currently accounts for about 40 per cent of the total export value of  Norwegian fish products,
and exported to over 100 countries. .

The farming process is very circumstantial. Hatching starts with roes and milt being taken from the parent fish, which lives in a separate farm.
After several steps and about a year from the hatching, the salmon is ready to be transferred from freshwater to farms in saltwater.
At this stage it weighs from 80 to 100 g. In saltwater the salmon is reared to adult size. The fodder contains only natural ingredients, such as fishoil, fishmeal, plantoils and vitamins,
it is good for both the fish and the ones eating the fish. Finally it is transported to the processing plant where it is slaughtered, washed, sorted in size and quality
and packed in boxes and ready to transport.

The Atlantic salmon can reach Up to 150 cm, and weight up to 35 kg.

Farmed Atlantic salmon is sold fresh, frozen, in fillets, smoked and cured, all year round.
Farmed Atlantic salmon is available also as certified Organic product.

Atlantic salmon is sold fresh or frozen in slices, fillets or as whole fish. Salmon fillets can also be cured, , cold-smoked and hot-smoked. Fresh salmon can be used raw
in sashimi and sushi. It can be poached, fried or grilled and is very well-suited to stir-fry and casserole dishes. Smoked salmon can be served as a sandwich filling or in salads,
with pasta and in many other combinations.

Nutritional content
In terms of nutritional value, farmed salmon is an excellent product. It contains plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, more than the wild salmon.
The salmon is rich in the fat-soluble vitamins A and D and contains much of the water-soluble vitamins B12 and pyridoxine (B6).
Omega-3 fatty acids are important for various cells in the body; they have a beneficial effect on heart and/or circulatory diseases and on bolstering our immunological defences.

Nutritional content table.

Commercial product:
Whole fish, slices, fillets, cured, marinated, cold-smoked, hot-smoked
Farmed Atlantic salmon is available also as certified Organic product. .

Fresh salmon
Whole fish:
• Head-on gutted
• Packed in 20 kg polybox
• Size: -1 kg/1-2 kg/2-3 kg/3-4 kg/4-5 kg/5-6 kg/6-7 kg/7-8 kg/+8 kg
• Quality: Superior, Ordinary and Industrial (quality for filleting etc.)

Frozen salmon
Whole fish:
• Head-on gutted
• Landfrozen IQF in wind tunnels
• Packed in 25 kg “salmon boxes” with inner plastic and each salmon in individual bag
• Size: -1 kg/1-2 kg/2-3 kg/3-4 kg/4-5 kg/5-6 kg/6-7 kg/7-8 kg/+8 kg
• Quality: Superior, Ordinary and Industrial (quality for filleting etc.)

Rainbow Trout
Latin - Oncorhynchus Mykiss / Salmo irideus
Norsk - Regnbuørret
Deutsch - Regenbogen-forelle
Français - Truite arc-en-ciel
Nederlands - Regenboogforel
Italiano - Trota iridea
Español - Trucha arco iris
Português - Truta arco-iris

Trout is a name that is used for many species of salmonids (member of the salmon family).
They come in many different varieties and have different life cycles, including anadromous (like the Salmon) depending, among other things on the habitat in which they live.

We generally distinguish between sea trout and freshwater trout, brown trout (brook trout) and rainbow trout.
Freshwater trout and sea trout are also referred to as “common” trout, and they belong to the same genus as Atlantic salmon ( i.e. Salmo, which means to leap or jump).
Rainbow trout were introduced to Europe from the USA at the close of the nineteenth century. The name of the genus, Onocorhynchus, means hooked nose.
Farmed trout are mostly rainbow trout. It is a fish that farms well and grows quickly. The farming process is identical to that of farmed salmon.
The farmed rainbow trout has an especially red meat, which is very popular around the world. In Norway, trout are mostly farmed in the sea, where they grow to a considerable weight.

Wild Trout Season: May to September.
Fishing methods: Nets, fishing rod.

Farmed trout is sold all year round.

Freshwater trout: up to 120 cm
Sea trout: up to 100 cm
Rainbow trout: up to 80 cm

Trout is sold fresh or frozen in slices, fillets or as whole fish.
Trout fillets may be cold-smoked and hotsmoked, sugar-salted and cured, marinated. Trout goes well with very many types of dishes: raw in sushi and sashimi, poached, fried and grilled.
It is excellent in stir-fry and casserole dishes. Coldsmoked and hot-smoked trout may be served in sandwiches or in salads, pasta or other ombinations.

Nutritional content
Like salmon, farmed trout is a good fish nutritionally, with high concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids more than the wild Trout.
Trout is also rich in the fat-soluble vitamins A and D and contains much of the water-soluble vitamins B12 and pyridoxine (B6).
Omega-3 fatty acids are important for various cells in the body; they have a beneficial effect on heart and/or circulatory diseases and on bolstering our immunological defences.

Nutritional content table.

Commercial product:
Whole fish, slices, fillets, cured, marinated, cold-smoked, hot-smoked,
eggs (roes) caviar.

Fresh trout
Whole fish:
• Headed and gutted or head-on gutted
• Packed in 20 kg polybox
• Size: -1 kg/1-2 kg/2-3 kg/3-4 kg/4-5 kg/5-6 kg
• Quality: Superior, Ordinary and Industrial (quality for filleting etc.)

Frozen trout
Whole fish:
• Headed and gutted or head-on gutted
• Landfrozen IQF in wind tunnels
• Packed in 25 kg “salmon boxes” with inner plastic and each salmon in individual bag
• Size: -1 kg/1-2 kg/2-3 kg/3-4 kg/4-5 kg/5-6 kg
• Quality: Superior, Ordinary and Industrial (quality for filleting etc.)


Norwegian Arctic char
Latin - Salvelinus alpinus
Norsk - Sjørøye / Ishavsrøye
Deutsch - Saibling / Seesaibling
Français - Omble chevaliern
Nederlands - Riddervis
Italiano - Salmerino alpino
Español - Salvelino / Trucha alpina
Português - Salvelino-árctico


Arctic Char is the name given to farmed Norwegian Char. Thousands of years ago, when the polar ice cap receded from our land area, Arctic Char had already adapted to the harsh, cold, challenging environment of Arctic Norway.
The fish had developed a migratory pattern in which it alternated between the fresh water of rivers and lakes and the salt water of the sea.
In addition to being Norway’s oldest freshwater fish, Arctic Char is also the one that lives the farthest north.
There are two types of Arctic Char: the anadromous char (which migrates to the sea), and the non-migratory char, which lives all its life in fresh water. The Arctic Char has an oblong body and a small head, and it comes in many different forms depending on its habitat, and other factors. In the sea, the fish are silver
with a dark back, but during the mating season, the abdomen becomes blood red. Non-migratory Arctic Char are often darker on the back and sides than anadromous Arctic Char.
The flesh of the fish varies from red to pale red in colour.
At present, the salmonid Arctic Char is farmed in small facilities at many locations in Norway where there is good access to pure, cold fresh water. The emergence of this kind of small, quality-conscious fish farming industry has ensured a regular supply of Norwegian Arctic Char to retail outlets with well-stocked fish counters.

Farmed Norwegan Arctic Char; All year availability.

Depends on the life cycle and habitat. Seagoing Arctic Char in Norway can be as large as 5 kg, usually 1-2 kg.

Norwegian is sold fresh and frozen, whole or in fillets. It can be brine-cured, drycured, smoked or fermented.
Arctic Char may be grilled, fried or poached and is well-suited to sushi and sashimi.

Nutritional content
The fat content is lower than that of the other salmonids, and almost 80 % of the fat consists of healthy mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids. This fish is also rich in vitamins A, D
and B12.

Commercial product:
Whole fish, slices, fillets, cured, marinated, cold-smoked, hot-smoked.

Fresh and frozen Arctic Char
Whole fish:
• Head-on gutted
• Packed in 10 or 20 kg polybox
• Size: -1 kg/1-2 kg/2+ kg
• Quality: Superior, Ordinary and Industrial (quality for filleting etc.)

Farmed Cod
Latin - Gadus morhuas
Norsk - Torsk
Deutsch - Kabeljau / Dorsch
Français - Morue de l'Atlantique / Cabillaud
Nederlands - Kabeljauw
Italiano - Merluzzo / Baccalà
Español - Bacalao
Português - Skrei / Bacalhau

Farming of cod is gradually increasing in Norway. The global over- exploitation of the wild cod fishery has led to a sharp increase in the market value of cod,
leading to a great interest in the farming of this species.
The farming process and on-growing stage of the cod is very similar to that of farmed salmon, so much of the equipment needed for this industry is already in place from the established farming of salmon.

The market size for farmed cod is the same as for wild fish, being between 2-5 kg. This would require an on-growing phase of 18-28 months depending on fish size.
Farmed cod experience high growth rates, which results in the fact that they mature earlier than wild fish.

The advantages of farmed cod are many, such as year-round supply, full traceability and freshness and no risk of anisakis- parasites.

Cod is one of the most popular food fishes on the marked and is sold fresh or frozen in slices, fillets or as whole fish. It is also sold lightly salted and smoked,
stockfish (dried cod) and clipfish (salted and dried).By-products of cod processing include cod liver, roe, stomach, milt, cheeks and tongues.

Cod has a mild taste that goes well with many different types of garnishes and flavourings.Cod flakes easily, so it should not be divided into very small portions for cooking.

Nutritional content
This fish is a good source of protein. It also contains plenty of vitamin B12 and selenium and has a healty balance of sodium and potassium. The total fat content is 0,3%.

Nutritional content table.

Commercial product:
Whole fish, slices, fillets, cured, smoked, clipfish and stockfish, eggs (roes) caviar.
Farmed Cod is available also as certified Organic product.

Fresh cod
Whole fish:
• Head-on gutted, Head-off gutted or N-cut
• Packed in 10 or 20 kg Styrofoam
• Size: 1-2 kg/2-3 kg/3-4 kg/4-6 kg/+6 kg
• Quality: E and A
• Seasonwise we also deliver cheeks, tongues, roes, milt and liver

• Whole fillets, loins or tails
• Skin-on, skinless, PBI (Pin Bone In), PBO (Pin Bone Out)
• Packed in 5 or 10 kg polybox
• Size: according to order

Frozen cod
Whole fish:
• Headed (Head off) and gutted or N-cut
• Cod under 5 kgs is vertically frozen in blocks and packed in bag or carton. Cod over 5 kgs is frozen IQF (Individually Quick Frozen)
and packed in pallettainer
• Size: -1,2 kg/1,2-2,5 kg/2,5-4 kg/+4 kg

• Skinless or skin-on, PBI (Pin Bone In) or PBO (Pin Bone Out)
• Frozen at sea in horizontal freezer or landfrozen IQF (Individually Quick Frozen)
• Packed in mastercarton containing 3 blocks, each block weighing 15 lbs, packed interleaved. Landfrozen cod packed in 5 or 10 kg carton
• Size: 3-5 oz/5-8 oz/8-12 oz/12-16 oz/16-32 oz/+32 oz
Landfrozen: size according to order.

Norwegian farmed white halibut
Latin - Hippoglossus hippoglossus
Norsk - Kveite
Deutsch - Heilbutt
Français - Flétan / Flétan Blanc / Saint des Fjords de Norvège
Nederlands - Witte heilbot
Italiano - Alabote
Español - Halibut Hipogloso
Português - Alabote do Atlântico

The production of farmed Norwegian white halibut is currently increasing. White halibut has always been difficult to catch, so to meet the demand, farming has become more and more current. This makes white halibut obtainable throughout the year.
Norwegian white halibut is bred in cold, fresh water that holds a stable temperature, either in pens along the coast or in large vessels
on land, in which fresh cold seawater is being pumped in continuously.

The original brood stock was collected from the wild stock off the Norwegian coast. The fish is kept in large tanks on land-based installations, and is fed on an especially nutritious diet that will ensure roe of high quality. This halibut spawns repeatedly throughout the season, and the eggs are hatched in 10 days. As the larvae change shape from round to flat,
they are fed with feed containing fish flour and fish oil with added minerals and vitamins. After three to four years, at a weight of 2-7 kg, the halibut is slaughtered.
Bred Norwegian white halibut is somewhat darker than the wild. The protected environment of the farmed Atlantic halibut leads to high quality and a higher yield than its wild equivalent.

With greater access to farmed Atlantic halibut, fresh Atlantic halibut will be available all year.

Norwegian white halibut has a good storage capacity as a chilled product, and can thus be sold as fresh fish at least one week longer than other white fish.
This species is a versatile fish and is easy to work with. It is known for its whiteness and firmness and the thick firm fillet is suitable for creative cooking.
Its tasty, firm, white meat makes the Norwegian white halibut one of the most highly prized edible fishes. It is sold fresh or frozen whole fish or in slices, in fillets and smoked.
Norwegian white halibut can be prepared in many ways, e.g. fried, poached and grilled, boiled or broiled and can be used in a variety of dishes.
It has delicate, white flesh and has an extremely good storage capacity as a chilled product.As “the queen of all fish”, is served at banquets and special occasions in Norway.

Nutritional content
It contains much fat, about 14 %, of this 2-3% of Omega 3 fatty acids. This halibut is thus a good source of vitamin D. In addition it is rich in protein and selen.

Nutritional content table.

Commercial product:
Whole fish, slices, fillets, cured, smoked.

Fresh Norwegian white halibut

Whole fish:
• Head-on gutted or Head-off gutted.
• Fillets

• Packed in 10 or 20 kg poly box
• Size: 1-3 kg/3-5 kg/5-7 kg/+7 kg


Arc AS - Fish export and marketing from Norway
Tel: (+47) 222 18 526, Mob: (+47) 922 166 06  E-Mail-