Exportación y Distribución de Pescado Noruego
Nº Teléf: (+47) 222 18 526,   Nº Móvil: (+47) 922 166 06    Email :

 Hora de Noruega
Pescado Blanco


Conocidas en términos culinarios como Pescado Blanco, estas especies son en su gran mayoría bentónicas o demersales, es decir – que habitan en el fondo del océano.
El nivel de su grasa corporal es más bajo que el del pescado azul por lo que se recomienda su consumo en muchos regímenes dietéticos.

Bacalao / Skrei
Latin - Gadus morhuas
English - Cod
Norsk - Torsk
Deutsch - Kabeljau / Dorsch
Français - Morue de l'Atlantique / Cabillaud
Nederlands - Kabeljauw
Italiano - Merluzzo / Baccalà
Español - Bacalao
Português - Skrei / Bacalhau


Nombre del fotógrafo: Eiliv Leren


Bacalao noruego del Ártico (bacalao en fase de desove/skrei): de enero a abril.

Bacalao de primavera: de abril a junio.

Bacalao de la costa: todo el año.

Tamaño: Hasta 150 cm.

El pez / la pesca.

El bacalao es uno de los peces marinos más comunes y con más importancia, desde el punto de vista económico en Noruega. Se encuentra de manera extensiva en el extremo norte del Océano Atlántico y existen dos tipos principales: El bacalao migratorio oceánico y el no migratorio costero. El bacalao costero es un pez que vive sobre todo en el fondo del mar, mientras que el bacalao migratorio es más pelágico.

De las distintas especies de bacalao que se encuentran en aguas noruegas, el bacalao noruego del Ártico (en fase de desove) es el más importante. Pasa la mayor parte de su vida en el Mar de Barents, pero migra tanto en su edad juvenil como en su edad madura cuando está en la época de la freza. Sus zonas de freza se extienden desde las costas de la provincia de Finnmark hasta la península de Stad al oeste de Noruega. Pero las zonas de freza más importantes están más allá de las Islas Lofoten.

Las migraciones del bacalao en fase de desove todavía suponen la base para la temporada de pesca más importante en Noruega, la temporada de pesca de las Lofoten.

El bacalao joven del mar de Barents migra hacia las costas de Finnmark en búsqueda de capelines adultos. Este bacalao joven es la base de la pesca tradicional del bacalao de primavera. El bacalao de costa es básicamente el equivalente al bacalao del Mar de Barents, pero no suele migrar cuando se encuentra en aguas poco profundas. Vive en las zonas entre mareas y a una profundidad de aproximadamente 600 metros.

Las existencias de bacalao del Mar de Barents está creciendo con unas buenas condiciones de salud, y cada año se capturan unas 450-500,000 toneladas de esta especie. En otras zonas el bacalao no está funcionando bien. El cultivo del bacalao en piscifactorías está en aumento.

Métodos de pesca.

Arrastre de fondo, redes danesas, palangres, redes fijas, líneas de mano y nasas.


Se vende fresco o congelado en rodajas, filetes o entero. También se vende ligeramente salado y ahumado, y seco ya sea con sal o sin sal.

El bacalao tiene un sabor suave que va bien con muchos tipos diferentes de guarniciones y condimentos. El bacalao se deshace con facilidad por lo que no debería cortarse en trozos muy pequeños al cocinarlo.

Contenido nutricional.

El bacalao es una buena fuente de proteínas y también es rico en vitamina B12 y selenio.


Saithe / Coalfish

Latin - Pollachius virens
Norsk - Sei
Deutsch - Köhler / Kohlfisch / Seelachs
Français - Lieu noir
Nederlands - Zwarte koolvis
Italiano - Merluzzo carbonaro
Español - El Carbonero / Colin Carbonero
Português - Escamudos escuros

Saithe is both a pelagic and demersal fish (stay close to the bottom), living at depths between 0 and 300 metres.Saithe can reach up to 120 cm in length, and it swims in shoals,
which can be enormous where there is plenty of food.
In Norwegian waters Saithe stock is divided into two groups, living north and living south
respectively divided by the line of 62° N latitude between the two groups.

Saithe spawn along the coastal banks from the Lofoten Islands and south to the North Sea.
Young saithe start to appear in the South and Southwest of Norway in the spring, arriving off the coast of Finnmark as late as August.
Saithe migrate huge distances from their feeding and growing grounds to their spawning grounds.
Fishing for saithe is performed in coastal waters and in the far north to the west of North Cape.

Season: All year

Size: Up to 120 cm

Fishing methods
Bottom trawling, Danish seines, purse seine, nets, gilnetting,and hand lines.

Sold fresh as fillets or as whole fish or frozen in slices. Saithe can be fried, poached and grilled. It is well-suited for processing, e.g. as thick, juicy saithe steaks.

Nutritional content
Saithe is generally regarded as a good source of protein, but it is also rich in vitamin B12 and selenium. and has a healty balance of sodium and potassium.
The total fat content is 0,3%.
Selenium is a necessary component in many of the body’s chemical reactions, and is also necessary for maintaining the fluid balance in the body.

Nutritional content table.

Commercial product:
Whole fish, slices, fillets, cured, stockfish and clipfish (dried and salted),
eggs (roes)


Whole fish:
• Head-on gutted or headed and gutted
• Packed in 10 or 20 kg polybox
• Size: 0-1 kg/1-2 kg/2-4 kg/4-6 kg/+6 kg

• Skinless or skin-on, PBI or PBO
• Packed in 10 or 20 kg polybox
• Size: mix or according to order

Frozen saithe

Whole fish:
• Head-on gutted or headed and gutted
• Frozen at sea in vertical freezer or landfrozen in air blast tunnel
• Packed in bag or carton
• Size: -1,2 kg/1,2-2,5 kg/2,5-5 kg/+5 kg
• Skinless or skin-on, PBI (Pin Bone In) or PBO (Pin Bone Out)
• Frozen at sea in horizontal freezer or landfrozen IQF (Individually Quick Frozen)
• Seafrozen saithe packed in mastercarton containing 3 blocks, each block weighing 15 lbs, packed interleaved. Landfrozen saithe packed in 5 or 10 kg carton
• Size: 3-5 oz/5-8 oz/8-12 oz/12-16 oz/16-32 oz/+32 oz
Landfrozen: size according to order.

Latin - Pollachius pollachius
Norsk - Lyr
Deutsch - Pollack / Steinköhler
Français - Lieu jaune / Merlans jaunes
Nederlands - Witte koolvis (Pollak)
Italiano - Merlano giallo / Pollack
Español - Abadejo del Norte / Gados
Português - Paloco / Juliana / Pescadas polacas / Badejo Jubana


Pollack is a pelagic fish found at depths of up to 200 metres and is normally caught as a by-catch of cod fishery.
Pollack can be distinguished from its cousin, the saithe, by its large, prominent lower jaw. It also has a dark, wavy lateral line, while the saithe has a pale, straight one.
In Norway, the number of pollack varies along the southern and western coasts. In general, pollack prefers warmer waters and only migrates out to deeper waters in the winter.

This species is caught all year round, but the most important season is from March to July.

Size: Up to 130 cm

Fishing methods
The pollack is caught by gilnets, bottom trawlers, trolling lines, longlines and handlines.

Pollack is sold fresh, frozen, filleted and it is especially popular in France and Spain.

Pollack is an excellent food fish and it is well-suited to making stuffing. It can also be poached and fried and is used in the same dishes as cod and haddock.
Pollack can also benefit from marinating before cooking.

Nutritional content
Pollack is a good source of protein and is also rich in vitamin B12 and selenium, and has a good ratio of sodium to potassium. It contains 0,2% fat.
Selenium is a necessary element in many of the body’s chemical reactions, e.g. in the decomposition of the so-called “free radicals”. These radicals are potentially toxic to the cells
and can be formed in the body by ingesting medication, alcohol, cigarette smoke, etc.

Nutritional content table.

Commercial product:

Fresh pollack

Whole fish:
• Head-on gutted or headed and gutted: N-cut
• Packed in 10 or 20 kg polybox
• Size: 0-1 kg/1-3 kg/3-5 kg/+5 kg
• Skin-on or skinless, PBI (Pin Bone In) or PBO (Pin Bone Out)
• E-quality packed in 5 or 10 kg polybox, skinless industry fillets in 25 kg polybox.
• Size: mix or according to order

Frozen pollack

Whole fish
• Headed and gutted: N-cut (collar bone on)
• Frozen at sea in vertical freezer
• Packed in carton or bag
• Size: mix (average weight 1-3 kg)
• Quality: E

Latin - Melanogrammus aeglefinus
Norsk - Hyse / kolje
Deutsch - Schellfisch
Français - Aiglefin / Églefin
Nederlands - Schelvis
Italiano - Asinello / Eglefino
Español - El eglefino / Anón Eglefino
Português - Arinca / Alecrim / Eglefino / Hadoque / Anão


Haddock is one of the most important food fish in Norway. It is a bottom fish that lives at depths of between 40 and 300 metres, and is usually under 80 cm long.
It can however reach a maximum size of 110 cm.

Its most important spawning grounds are in the waters off middle Norway, northern Norway, and near south-west Iceland and the Faroe Islands.
Haddock fishery is primarily performed in costal waters, but haddock is also caught on the fish banks in the eastern parts of the Norwegian economic zone and in the North Sea.

Haddock is fished all year round, but in the summer, there is a special haddock fishery off the coast of eastern Finnmark using floating long lines.
Haddock is also fished all year in the North Sea, where it is caught along with other species of food fish.
Along the coasts of north Norway, haddock is caught using long lines and nets in the summer.

Size: Up to 110 cm and 19 kg, seldom longer than 80 cm

Fishing methods
Danish seine, bottom trawls, long lines and gilnets.

Sold fresh as fillets or whole fish, as frozen fillets or salted and smoked. Haddock can be fried and boiled and is well-suited for processing as fish cakes, fish balls,
and Norwegian fish pudding.

Nutritional content
This fish is an excellent source of protein. It also contains plenty of vitamin B12, pyridoxine, selenium and has a good balance of sodium and potassium.
Furthermore it has a total fat content of 0,2 %.

Nutritional content table.

Commercial product:
Haddock is sold fresh, frozen, filleted, dried and smoked, processed,
eggs (roes)

Fresh haddock

Whole fish:
• Head-on gutted or N-Cut (collar bone on)
• Packed in 10 or 20 kg polybox
• Size: -1 kg/+1 kg/1-1,5 kg/1,5-2 kg/+2 kg
• Whole fillets or loins
• Skinless or skin-on, PBI (Pin Bone In) or PBO (Pin Bone Out)
• E- quality is packed in 5 or 10 kg polybox, skinless industry fillets in 25 kg polybox and loins are packed in 5 kg polybox.

Frozen haddock

Whole fish:
• Headed and gutted: N-cut
• Frozen at sea or landfrozen in vertical freezer
• Packed in carton or bag
• Size: -0,8 kg/+0,8 kg/+1 kg
• Skinless or skin-on, PBI (Pin Bone In) or PBO (Pin Bone In)
• Frozen at sea in horizontal freezer or landfrozen IQF (Individually Quick Frozen)
• Seafrozen haddock packed in master carton containing 3 blocks, each block weighing 15 lbs, packed interleaved. Landfrozen haddock packed in 5 or 10 kg carton
• Size: 3-5 oz/5-8 oz/8-12 oz/12-16 oz/16-32 oz/+32 oz
• Landfrozen: size according to order.

Latin - Merluccius merluccius
Norsk - Lysing / Sølvlyr / Hegg
Deutsch - Hechtdorsch / Seehecht
Français - Merlu / Merlu du Pacifique / Merluches
Italiano - Nasello / Merluzzo
Español - Merluza Pescadilla / Merluza europea
Português - Pescada Marota Pescadinha


Hake is a codfish with a long and lean body and one short and one long dorsal fin. The head is narrow, with a long underbite and curved teeth and the inside of the mouth is black.
It is a ravenous predatory fish, that feeds mainly on pelagic fish species such as mackerel, herring and sprats.
Hake is found along the entire Norwegian coast, but appears more sporadically north of Lofoten. This species thrives at depths of between 150 and 500 metres.
Spawning takes place during spring and summer.

Hake is fished all year round

The hake can grow up to 1,35 metres long and weigh up to 15 kg.

Fishing methods:
Hake is caught by bottom trawlers, gilnets and Danish seines.

Hake has a savoury white meat meat that is sought after in European restaurants. In Spain and Portugal hake is as important as cod is in Norway.

Commercial product:

Fresh hake

Whole fish
• Head-on gutted
• Packed in 10 or 20 kg polybox
• Size: 0-1 kg/1-2 kg/2-3 kg/3-4 kg/4-6 kg/+6 kg
• Quality: E, E2, A and B

Frozen hake

Whole fish:
• Head-on gutted or N-cut
• Frozen at sea in vertical freezer.
• IQF frozen packed in pallettainer, vertically frozen packed in bag
• Size: mix

Latin - Merlangius merlangus
Norsk - Hvitting
Deutsch - Wittling / Merlan / Kalktünchen
Français - Merlan
Italiano - Merlano
Español - Plegonero Merlán / Pescadillas
Português - Faneca Badejo / Pescadas

The whiting is a demersal fish that thrives on sandy and muddy bottoms at depths from 10-200 meters, often migrating into shallow water during the night.
Whiting is light in colour with a dark spot by the pectoral fin. The fish has a pointy nose and silvery with a white belly, but the back is faintly brown.
Whiting has its distribution in the Atlantic from Gibraltar to the Barents Sea.
Spawning takes place from January until July. Both eggs and larvae are pelagic, but the fry moves down to the seabed when having reached the size of 5-10 cm.

Whiting is fished all year round

0,5-2 kg

Fishing methods:
Bottom trawling and Danish seining.

Fried fresh whiting is considered a great delicacy, to the extent that the fish now is known as "the sea's chicken."

Commercial product

Fresh whiting

Whole fish:
• Head-on gutted or headed and gutted: N-cut (collar bone on)
• Packed in 10 or 20 kg polybox
• Size: mix (average weight 0,5-2 kg)

Frozen whiting

Whole fish:
• Headed and gutted: N-cut (collar bone on)
• Frozen at sea or landfrozen in vertical freezer
• Packed in carton or bag
• Size: -0,8 kg/+0,8 kg/+1 kg

Latin - Molva molva
Norsk - Lange
Deutsch - Leng / Lung
Français - Lingue
Nederlands - Leng
Italiano - Ling
Español - Maruca
Português -Molva / Linneo / Maruca

Ling almost appears to be a cross between a cod and a conger eel, it is a delicious food that is cod-like in texture and meat colour.
The species was given its Norwegian name, Lange, because it has a long, narrow body. Ling are found at depths of 60 to 1000 m, but are most common at depths of 300 to 400 m.

In Norway, ling are most plentiful between the west of Norway the North. Young fish tend to stay in deep waters near the coast As a rule, only young fish are found in water shallower than 100 m.. From there, they migrate out to the spawning grounds in the North Sea and in the area north of the British Isles.
Ling are mostly caught using long lines along the edge of the continental shelf, but ling have also been caught in deep fjords.
Fishing for ling continues all year, as well as a bycatch when fishing for other species.

Ling is caught all year round.

Size: Up to 180 cm.

Fishing methods
Ground lines, longlining, ground nets, gilnetting and bottom trawling.

Ling has white, tasty, relatively firm flesh. The taste may remind you of cod, and it can be prepared in the same way as cod with good results.
This species is a popular fish for wet salting and drying and is the main raw material for the Scandinavian dish "lutefisk".

Nutritional content
As a member of the cod family, ling is an excellent source of protein and also contains plenty of selenium, calcium and magnesium. It has a total fat content of 2,8%.

Nutritional content table.

Commercial product:
Whole fish, stockfish and clipfish (dried and salted),
eggs (roes) caviar.

Fresh ling

Whole fish:
• Headed and gutted: N-cut
• Packed in 20 kg polybox
• Sizes: 1-2 kg/+2 kg/mix

Frozen ling

Whole fish:
• Headed and gutted: N-cut
• Frozen at sea in vertical freezer
• Packed in carton or bag
• Size: -2 kg/+2 kg/mix

Tusk / Cusk
Latin - Brosme brosme
Norsk - Brosme
Deutsch - Lumb / Brosme
Français - Brosme
Nederlands - Lom
Italiano - Brosmio
Español - Brosmio
Português - Zarbo / Bolota / Brosme abrotea


The tusk resembles the types of ling found in Norwegian waters, but is somewhat plumper and has a single, continuous dorsal fin. It can reach up to 1,1 meter and weigh up to 15 kg.
In Norway, tusk is common in the deepest fjords of the West Coast and along the continental slope (the edge of the continental shelf). It is found at depths of 50 to 1000 metres, but is most common at depths of between 200 and 500 metres. The tusk’s main spawning grounds are between Scotland, the Faroe Islands and Iceland.

In Norway, tusk is caught throughout the year; in the north, mostly along the edge of the continental shelf up to approx. 72º N. Some tusk is also caught as a by catch of trawls. Further south, tusk is mainly caught using long lines.

Season: All year round.

Size: Up to 110 cm, weight up to 15 kg.

Fishing methods
Bottom-trawling, ground lines, longlines, ground nets, and pots.

Sold as fresh or frozen fillets or as lightly salted fillets. Tusk has white firm flesh with a taste that is somewhat like lobster, and it is easy to prepare small pieces, which makes it well-suited
for stir-fries. The flesh is juicy and delicate, and in addition to fried dishes it is ideal for dishes baked in the oven. Lightly salted fillets can be poached or served in a range of culinary styles.

Nutritional content
Tusk is a lean fish and a good source of protein. It is also rich in vitamin B12, pyridoxine and selenium. It contains 0,2% fat..

Nutritional content table.

Commercial product:
Fresh, frozen, dried and salted.

Fresh tusk

Whole fish.
• Headed and gutted: N-cut (collar bone on)
• Packed in 20 kg polybox
• Size: 0-1 kg/1-2 kg/+2 kg

• Skinless or skin-on, PBI (Pin Bone In)
• Packed in 10 or 20 kg polybox
• Size: according to order

Frozen tusk

Whole fish:
• Headed and gutted: N-cut
• Seafrozen in vertical freezer
• Packed in bag or carton
• Size: -1 kg/+1 kg

• Skinless or skin-on, PBI (Pin Bone In)
• Seafrozen in horizontal freezer or landfrozen IQF
• Packed in carton
• Size: According to order

Golden Redfish / Ocean perch
Latin - Sebastes marinus
Norsk - Uer
Deutsch - Rotbarsch / Goldbarsch
Français - Sébaste / Chèvre
Nederlands - Roodbaars
Italiano - Scorfano atlantico
Español - Gallineta nórdica
Português - Cantarilho


There are three species of redfish in Norwegian waters. Those that are sold commercially are usually common redfish (Sebastes marinus) and rosefish (Sebastes mentella), whereas Norway redfish (Sebastes viviparus) is too small (max 32 cm) to be sold commercially.

Redfish are found along the edge of the continental slope at depths of 100 to 500 metres, although individual specimens have been caught at depths of up to 900 metres.
In the Norwegian Sea and the Arctic Ocean, redfish are pelagic fish and live in large stocks. The three species have different dispersals, which overlap each other.

Common redfish migrate in the summer. Fully matured common redfish have their feeding grounds in the Barents Sea, where they mate from August to October.
In the winter, they begin to migrate south to their spawning grounds off the Vesterålen archipelago. The largest catches of redfish are made by nets and trawlers in the north of Norway. Secondary catches of redfish are made all year in most of the Norwegian economic zone and in the zone around Svalbard.

All year around.

Can reach up to 1 metre and weight up to 15 kg.

Fishing methods
Trawler, bottom trawling, Danish seine nets, gilnetting and longlining.

Redfish is a tasty food fish with oily meat and is sold fresh or frozen, mainly as whole fish, fresh fillets, and salted whole fish or fillets.
Fresh fillets can be fried and grilled. Redfish is also an excellent fish for stir-fry dishes and goes well with chillies, garlic and soy sauce. Salted redfish,
on the other hand, are best suited for poaching with traditional Norwegian garnishes, such as root vegetables and potatoes.

.Nutritional content
The 2,8% fat content in redfish may vary somewhat, but it usually amounts to about 1 gram of omega-3 fatty acids per 100 grams of fillet. Redfish is also a good source of protein.

Nutritional content table.

Commercial product:
whole fish, and fillets

Fresh redfish

Whole fish:
• Whole round
• Packed in 10 or 20 kg polybox
• Size: +700 gr/+1 kg/-1 kg
• Skinless or skin-on, PBI (Pin Bone In)
• Packed in 5 or 10 kg polybox
• Size: mix or according to order

Frozen redfish

Whole fish:
• Whole round, headed and gutted: N-cut (collar bone on) or J-cut (collar bone off)
• Frozen at sea, vertically or horizontally
• Packed in bag or carton
• Size: 0-1 kg/+1 kg/1-2 kg/+2 kg
• Skinless or skin-on, PBI (Pin Bone In)
• Frozen at sea in horizontal freezer or landfrozen IQF or in horizontal freezer
• Packed in carton
• Sizes: +500 gr/+500 gr/mix or according to order

Arc AS - Exportación y Distribución de Pescado Noruego
Nº Teléf: (+47) 222 18 526, Nº Móvil: (+47) 922 166 06  Email-